Nebraska: Your Newest Therapist in Omaha is Here
Chris Rabanera is now licensed in the great state of Nebraska. At The Base EQ, Chris helps high achievers manage burnout and life stressors.

Online Therapy Las Vegas: Intergenerational Transmission
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses intergenerational transmission.

How to Get Over Being Ghosted
Chris Rabanera was featured in an article by Charlotte Grainger on dating and being ghosted. The article is on MSN.

Podcast with Cari & Abby from “Being Human is Weird”
Chris Rabanera talks with Abby Knoblock and Cari Downing of Being Human is Weird. They discuss finding a therapist.

Online Therapy in Las Vegas: Depression and Relationships
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discussed how depression can affect your relationship.

Beating Burnout Interview by Authority Magazine
Chris Rabanera was interviewed and fully featured on by Authority Magazine. The article is on Medium.com. The interview discusses burnout.

Online Therapy in California: Losing a Job and Grief
The Base EQ writes a letter to friends who have recently lost a job.

Interviewed by Medium.com
Chris Rabanera was interviewed and fully featured on Medium.com. The interview also discusses 5 self care tips.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Magnification and Minimization
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses depression magnification, and minimization. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Mental Health and Winter
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses Mental Health and Winter. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Find Your Online Therapist in Las Vegas
Chris Rabanera talks tips to finding the best online therapist in Las Vegas.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Depression & The Thought Triangle
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses depression and the cognitive triangle. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Doing Something About Depression
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses depression and behavioral activation, or doing activities to make you feel better. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Fall Events to enjoy from an Online Therapist in Michigan
Chris Rabanera, LMFT, provider of online therapy in Michigan talks about 5 Michigan events to enjoy to help bring joy in your life. Improve your mood with these events before we head into the winter.

Find a Therapist in Ann Arbor
Chris Rabanera writes how to find a therapist in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Check out the blog for more information.