Ann Arbor was named one of the best cities to live in America. It's home to the University of Michigan, Go Blue! It has parks on parks on parks. It has hiking trails, kayaks, and fishing. It has food from bibimbap to the world-famous Zingerman’s. It has a community that gives and has support services. If you are looking for a counselor or therapist in Ann Arbor, I want to give you some tips in your search.

Find a therapist in Ann Arbor

A common question that gets thrown around is what is the difference between a licensed marriage and family therapist, a licensed professional counselor, a licensed clinical social worker, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist? For the person looking for a therapist in Ann Arbor, there are 3 different levels of education for a clinician: masters-level, doctorate level, and medical doctor with a specialization level.

A licensed marriage and family therapist, licensed professional counselor, and licensed clinical social worker are master-level therapists. Each person has a master’s degree in a counseling field and is licensed in their specific state to treat clients.

The doctorate-level therapist has the title of a psychologist. Some have a Ph.D. while others have a Psy.D. I won’t get into the differences between the two but one is more research and lab-based while the other is more focused on the application.

Two racial diverse men talking- Therapy

The medical doctor with a specialization in mental health is a psychiatrist. They go to medical school, complete residency, and continue with a fellowship in psychiatry. Many psychiatrists prescribe medication and rarely take on clients for direct psychotherapy.

Those are the differences between the credentials. All therapists must have at least two years of college, while others get more education like a Ph.D./ PsyD or get an MD with a specialization in psychiatry. To become licensed, each therapist must complete between 2000 and 3000 clinical hours, depending on the state. This takes between two to five years. After obtaining these hours, there is an exam. Before passing the state exam, the therapist must have “associate,” “intern,” or “limited” in their title.

Finding the best fit therapist in Ann Arbor.

How do you know if the therapist I am speaking with is a good fit for me? This is an important factor when finding a therapist. You won’t really know if this person is the best fit for you until you speak with them. Fit and comfort with your therapist is important to obtaining great outcomes. You don’t have to like what the therapist is saying but you do have to feel safe and supported. If you don’t feel comfortable with your therapist, you’ll be wasting your time and your money.

Free consultation for a therapist in Michigan

When you reach out to a therapist, see if they provide a free consultation. Many therapists will provide one. During this consultation, you’ll get a great feel if you are a good fit for the therapist, as well as if the therapist is a good fit for you. During this conversation, focus on how you feel talking with this person. If you don’t feel comfortable talking with this person now, you won’t feel comfortable talking with them later. Trust your gut instincts. There are many great therapists out there. You will be able to find the right person for you.

Get started with therapy in Ann Arbor.

Women calling to setup therapy appointment

I’ve had this conversation with many friends and family members. I hope this helps you find the perfect therapist for you in Ann Arbor. If you are still feeling unsure of how to proceed, get in touch with me at (989) 487-1895 for a complimentary phone consultation. If you are looking for help with work stress, burnout, relationship issues, and imposter syndrome, check out my website at


How to Choose an Online Therapist In Michigan


Your emotions are normal