Your emotions are normal

It's okay to not be okay. You don't have to be happy all the time. Any emotion that you are feeling is normal and natural. You can feel overwhelmed, excited, vulnerable, empty, awful, withdrawn, furious, optimistic, powerful, peaceful, and worthless. You are okay. All of these emotions are normal and natural. Look, be all up in your feelings.

There is a difference between your feelings and expressing those feelings. All your feelings are natural and normal. They are okay. Now, how you express those feelings can be appropriate or inappropriate. You can be angry and frustrated. That's normal and healthy. Expressing your feelings by breaking down doors, smashing things, or beating people is not okay. There's a difference between your feelings and expressing your feelings. Learn to recognize the difference.

Lastly, if you aren't okay, please talk to someone. Talk to someone that you trust. Talk to that parent, coach, teacher, spiritual leader, best friend, doctor, counselor, or therapist. Reach out. You don't have to experience your feelings alone.


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