Parenting is easy

Parenting is easy as pie. Whoever told you that was lying. Parenting is challenging. Tell me a task where you are being watched 24/7, have difficult conversations regularly, perform when exhausted, and provide financially, emotionally, and physically. Parenting is not a cakewalk.

When you are the parent of a newborn, being physically exhausted is a typical experience. The idea of waking up every few hours to feed and change diapers doesn't sound too tiring. Doing that is easier said than done. Running on a few hours of sleep not only takes a physical toll but also takes a toll mentally. You can have brain fog, have difficulty concentrating, and snap at others.

When you are a parent of a school-aged child, the challenges change. The rules and boundaries you set for your child are tested. "Why do I have to go to school? Why do I have to do homework? Why can't I play more video games? Why can't I spend the night at a friend's house? Why can't I scream and fight to get my way?" You set and enforce the rules. Be sure that you can explain logically why those rules are in place.

As a parent of a teen, you will have difficult conversations. You'll have conversations about how the world works, how money works, social issues, and if you haven't had the birds and the bees talk yet, it is better late than never. These conversations will test what you stand for, both as a parent and an adult.

In addition to these challenges, many parents set unreasonable expectations for themselves. To those parents, I have something important to tell you. Give yourself some grace.

We're not going to be the best parents at all times. We can only do our best. Are we going to make mistakes? Of course, we are going to make mistakes. The problem isn't about making mistakes. The problem is owning up to those mistakes. Do you own your faults? Do you own your parenting missteps? Do you say sorry to your kid because you messed up?

Recognize that you are human and make mistakes. Parenting is difficult. It's no easy task. Do your best. As a parent, you already have a full plate. Take some pressure off by giving yourself the grace to be a human being and make mistakes. You've got this.

If you need some parenting support, the therapist at The Base EQ has the tools to help you become confident in your parenting skills.


Your emotions are normal


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