The Real Cost of Physician Burnout
"Physician burnout isn’t just about long hours—it affects careers, relationships, and mental health. From job changes and emotional exhaustion to feelings of isolation, the impact is deep and personal. But recovery is possible. Therapy for physicians can help you regain clarity, reconnect, and rebuild. You care for others—don’t forget to care for yourself."

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: The Insurance Game
Wonder why healthcare professionals, including those offering online therapy for physician burnout, are choosing to opt out of insurance networks? Explore the challenges of insurance bureaucracy, low reimbursement rates, and ethical considerations that impact patient care.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Looking Forward
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses combating burnout with the looking forward tool

Navigating Burnout: Therapy for Physicians Amid Budget Cuts
The proposed budget cuts by CMS are putting even more pressure on physicians. Increased workloads and reduced resources are leading to burnout. Chris Rabanera specializes in providing therapy for physicians, offering a confidential space to discuss the unique challenges of the medical profession.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Fill Your Cup
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses filling your cup during your time off.

Therapy for Physicians: Climbing the Right Mountain
Chris Rabanera, LMFT who provides therapy for physicians, discusses climbing the right mountain and finding fulfillment beyond achievement.

Therapy for Physicians: Effects of Burnout
Chris Rabanera, LMFT discusses the effects of burnout on physicians. What’s the real cost of burnout to you?

Therapy for Physicians: Crying
Chris Rabanera, LMFT discusses crying as a physician. The idea of a crying doctor may be unprofessional for some. For others, it’ shows that doctors are human

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Toxic Culture of Residency
Chris Rabanera, LMFT discusses the toxic culture of medical residency. Though physicians finish residency, the effects are felt for years to come. Chris Rabanera provides online therapy for physician burnout.

Article Review: “77% of U.S. Docs are Employees.”
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physicians, discusses an article about how 77% of U.S doctors are employees.

Therapy for Physicians: Suicide
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physicians, discusses how physicians are an at-risk group for suicide.

Therapy for Physicians: Physicians on Vacation
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physicians, summarizes and responds to a JAMA article about physicians and vacations.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Doctors Form Union
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy for physician burnout, discusses a NYT article a physician sent his way. It discusses healthcare changes, patients over profits, moral injury, and burnout.

Therapy for Physicians: More Than My Job
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physicians, discusses being more than just a physician. At The Base EQ, Chris helps manage burnout and life stressors.

Therapy for Physician Burnout: Time Off
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses taking time off. At The Base EQ, Chris helps manage burnout and life stressors.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Sunday Blues
Online Therapist Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses the Sunday Blues.

Therapy for Physician Burnout: Specialty
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses his thoughts on choosing your specialty. At The Base EQ, Chris helps manage burnout and life stressors.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Building Skill
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses the process of building mental health skills.

Therapy for Physician Burnout: Switching Jobs
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses switching jobs to managing burnout. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Therapy for Physician Burnout: No Time
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses having no time for mental health. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.