Online Therapy in Michigan: Mental Health and Winter

Snowy Trees- Online Therapy in Michigan

Winter is around the corner. For many, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is around the corner too. SAD is a type of depression. It’s believed to be caused by the change of seasons. It usually starts in the late fall. Symptoms include lack of energy, sadness, weight gain, being tired, oversleeping and having a lack of interest in things that used to interest you. In this blog, I`ll be talking about what you can do for your mental health throughout Winter. 

Treatment for depressed mood during the winter time is similar to treatments for depressed mood at any other time. Treatment can include spending time outdoors, medication, talk therapy and connecting with friends and family.


Snowboarding during winter- Online Therapy in Michigan

I'll start with spending time outdoors. Try to get out of the house when you can. The more sunlight you can get, the better you will feel. When people spend all day inside, they can get a little stir crazy. I want you to get fresh air and sunlight when you can get it.  There will be days when you will not be able to go outside. That’s okay. Take advantage of the better whether when the opportunity arises. Also, there are tons of outdoor activities you can do, even when it’s cold. Make sure you have the right gear. You can go ice fishing, snowshoeing, and skiing. I  like to go snowboarding. Be outside and do outdoor activities that bring you joy.


Treatment for depressed moods during the winter time can include medication. I’ll keep this type of treatment nice and short. Antidepressant medication can help fight with depressed moods. As I do not prescribe medication, I’ll recommend you speak with your primary care physician if this type of treatment interests you.


Talk therapy is a form of treatment for depressed moods during the winter. One form of effective talk therapy treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. The overall idea of CBT is our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all connected and the way we think affects the way we feel and behave. Research shows CBT therapy is a long-lasting treatment approach to depressed moods. In a previous blog, I talked about a tool I use with clients on a regular basis. You can read more about the tool here.

Two friends smiling- Online Therapy in Michigan


The last intervention to help improve depressed mood during the winter time includes staying connected to your social circle. Stay connected to your friends and family. If it is possible, visit your friends and family in person. Spend time with people you care about. Doing this activity is a protective factor against having a depressed mood.  Social connections play a huge role in regulating mental health. If you aren’t able to visit people in person, you can stay connected to them digitally. You can call, text or video chat with them.  Connection helps when people have a depressed mood. Stay connected.

The four things you can do to help with your mental health during the winter time are spend time outside getting fresh air and sunlight, medication, talk therapy and staying socially connected.


Chris Rabanera- Online Therapy in Michigan

When you want to handle your depressed mood, online therapy in Michigan. Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. I’m Chris Rabanera. I provide online therapy in California, online therapy in Michigan, and online therapy in Las Vegas. I work with issues such as physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression & individuals dealing with relationships.


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