Physician Burnout: Using Insurance
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physicians, discusses using insurance for services. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Boundaries
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses boundaries. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Physician Burnout Solution: 3 Good Things
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in California, Michigan, & Las Vegas, discusses an article about physician wellness. At The Base EQ, Chris helps high-achievers, like physicians, manage burnout and life stressors.

Physician Burnout: Physicians left jobs in 2021
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses an article about physicians leaving their jobs. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Find Your Online Therapist in Las Vegas
Chris Rabanera talks tips to finding the best online therapist in Las Vegas.

Resident Physician Burnout Wellness: Values
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in California, Las Vegas, & Michigan, discusses values and how it relates to resident physician burnout syndrome. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build basic emotional intelligence.

Becoming Vulnerable with Online Therapy in Michigan
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses becoming vulnerable. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build basic emotional intelligence.

Physician Mental Health: Social Relationships
Chris Rabanera, LMFT, Physician mental health, physician wellness & physician burnout expert discussed social relationships. Read the blog for more information.

Physician Mental Health: Long Distance Relationships
Online Therapist Chris Rabanera, LMFT, discusses physician mental health concerning long distance relationships. This is a must read if you are a physician in training.

Physician Burnout: Are Physicians Set Up to Burnout?
Are physicians set up to burnout? Chris Rabanera discusses recent February 2022 data on physician specialties and burnout rates. Reach out for online therapy.

Basic Self Care for Physician Wellness and Physician Burnout Syndrome
Online Therapist Chris Rabanera has a simple self-assessment tool about physician wellness and physician burnout syndrome. Read the blog for more information.

Resident Physician Mental Health
Chris Rabanera blogs to graduating medical students about what they should know about resident physician mental health.