Eggs showing emotions for online therapy in Michigan

Much of my online therapy in Michigan work starts with focusing on building emotional intelligence. The name of this business is called “The Base EQ.”  In many cases, I start on the ground level focusing on basic emotions. For clients, this is the first time they’ve ever explored basic emotions. We put names to physical sensations and link these physical sensations to emotions. It’s a common practice because in society, we aren’t taught about emotions.

Online Therapy in Michigan and Vulnerability.

Smiling women who is vulnerable after online therapy in Michigan

Emotional vulnerability can be defined as the possibility of being harmed emotionally. Why is this important? When a person is not able to be emotionally vulnerable, there is a possibility they are not able to experience all of their emotions. In my practice, I see people experience a ‘bad’ emotion like sadness or frustration. They  stuff the emotion into a box that will be closed forever.  They repeat this process over and over as they experience 'bad' emotions. Over time, they start to become emotionally numb. This spills over into ‘good’ emotions also. Side note, in this previous blog, I discuss ‘good vs bad’ emotions. Emotions are not meant to be pushed down into our gut and never talked about. Emotions are to be experienced.  With emotional vulnerability, you allow yourself, as well as with others, to be your authentic self. Being able to be your true self is where I want all of my clients to be.

Below are things I want people to know about vulnerability.

  1. Being vulnerable can be scary. Showing your authentic self and true colors can be scary. People will judge you because it’s what they do. A common thought people have is, “Will my friends and family still like me?” If these friends want the best for you and care for you, they may not like what you have to say or do, but they will still like you. 

  2. The more vulnerable you are, the more present and vulnerable you can be in a relationship. Being vulnerable in your relationships allows you to be in a stronger, safer, more secure and more loving relationship. The emotional connection will be stronger.

  3. You don’t need to be vulnerable in all situations and with all people. You get to choose when you are vulnerable, and to who you are vulnerable with. Not all situations need you to be vulnerable. Not all people get to see you as vulnerable. You get to decide. The choice is up to you.

  4. The first steps to becoming vulnerable would be to acknowledge your emotions. Lean into your emotions. Stop stuffing your emotions down. Feel your emotions. Be present with emotions. Name your emotions. Build your base of emotional intelligence.

Chris Rabanera provides online therapy in Michigan.

When you are ready to build your base emotional intelligence, reach out to me for a free 15-minute consultation. My name is Chris Rabanera and I provide online therapy in California, online Therapy in Michigan, and online therapy in Las Vegas. I work with issues such as physician burnout, anxiety, depression, individuals dealing with relationships, and grief.


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