Physician Wellness: Arthur Pope and Emergency Medicine

Arthur Pope, MD, PhD- Physician Wellness

I met with a friend that I haven't seen for a minute. Arthur Pope is an early career emergency medicine attending. He was a medical student at Loyola University of Chicago, and was an emergency medicine resident physician at the University of Chicago. He went on to become the chief resident. Arthur currently holds a clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of pennsylvania. Not only does he have an MD, he also holds a PhD. Arthur is really smart.

I spoke with him about how I help physicians, physician wellness, physician burnout, and physician lifestyle. He gave me insights about his experiences, the challenges that he faced throughout residency, and the challenges that he sees as an attending. We also discussed July 1st. If you're reading this, you know what that date is. It's the first day of residency, first day of fellowship, and first day of being THE attending. I will be writing a future article about July 1st. In the mean time, Arthur wrote an article.

Arthur is a co-author of an article about transitioning from being a resident to becoming an emergency medicine attending. It gives 10 tips about transitioning from resident attending. I thought the article was wonderful and wanted to share it. My favorite tip is the last because most new attendings don’t know how to do it . Read the article, and share it with friends and colleagues.  Enjoy!

Chris Rabanera, LMFT. Chris provides online therapy in Las Vegas, online therapy in California, & online therapy in Michigan

When you’re reading to make a change in your life and want online therapy in California, online therapy in Michigan, or online therapy in Las Vegas, reach out to me here for a free 15-minute consultation. My name is Chris Rabanera and I want you to live your best life. I work with issues such as physician burnout, anxiety, depression, individuals dealing with relationships, and grief.


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