Beating Burnout Interview by Authority Magazine

I am fully featured and interviewed by Jake Frankel of Authority Magazine. The interview is currently on the homepage of Authority Magazine and and can be found here. Like my previous interview in Authority Magazine, this is a full length article consisting of my take on beating burnout. This isn’t a sound bite. It’s a solid 10 minute read from yours truly.

What makes this article different is I talk about how burnout is an organizational issue, as opposed to an individual issue. Many businesses will help their employee by directing them to their Employee Assistance Plan. What they fail to recognize is that burnout is an organizational issue. It the environment that people are working in that contribute to their employee’s burnout. It’s their company culture.

This interview starts off with my backstory. Then I define burnout and how it arises. I talk about 5 things people should do if they are experiencing work burnout. I also talk about what organizations can do if their employees are burning out.

For those of you who want to know what they can do right now if they are experiencing burnout, I talk about that in the interview. Here are the coping skills that I talk about in the interview.

  1. 3 Good Things- I wrote an article about 3 Good Things here.

  2. Learn deep breathing. This is also called diaphragmatic breathing. There are tons of youtube videos about how to do this. Here is one for you. Deep breathing helps with feelings of anxiety and can help calm you down.

Click the links at the start of this article or click the photo of m on the side of the page. Authority Magazine is a publication. Medium is a website where thought-leaders, experts, and journalists share their perspective. It allows ideas to form and cultivate. These authors dive into topics and ideas to help deepen the world's understanding of important issues.


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