I was interviewed by Maria Angelova of Authority Magazine and Medium.com. The interview can be found here. This is a full length article about me and tips I give to improve mental wellness. This is more than the typical sound bite from other articles I’ve been quoted in. The article is about a ten minute read.

The interview starts off with my background and personal story. I talk about why I do what I do, my passion for mental well-being, and how self care impacts our mental wellness.  I also talk about 5 self-care tips that can improve our mental wellness.

For those wanting only the tips, here you go.

  1. Get enough sleep. People need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Find a way to make this happen.

  2. Talk with friends and family. Social connection is an important factor in maintaining your mental well being.

  3. Do 30 minutes of physical activity a day. 

  4. Do activities which spark joy, daily.

  5. Journal for 10 minutes daily. This helps process emotions.

Go check out the interview when you get the chance. Medium is a website where thought-leaders, experts, and journalists share their perspective. It allows ideas to form and cultivate. These authors dive into topics and ideas to help deepen the world's understanding of important issues. Check out their website.


Online Therapy in California: Losing a Job and Grief


Quoted in Article on How To Validate Feelings