Online Therapy Las Vegas: Intergenerational Transmission

Why do you behave the way that you behave? Why do you think the way that you think? Why do you feel the way that you feel? When a person thinks deeply about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, the thought of where these were picked up comes to mind. Where did we learn all of this? This is where intergenerational transmission comes to play.

Intergenerational Transmission

Athlete with baton by Braden Collum, Online Therapy Las Vegas

Intergenerational transmission is the idea that individuals learn thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from the previous generation. These thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are passed on from one generation to the next generation to the next generation in a never-ending cycle. Parents learned from their parents, who learned from their parents, who learned from their parents, and so on. What does that have to do with you?

Expectations are Passed Down

A client was talking about the education expectations his parents had when he was younger. The expectation was to receive straight A’s. Nothing less than an A was acceptable. If you did not earn that A, you were nothing. As an adult with a child in elementary school, the client reflected back on this expectation. He talked about how this expectation shaped his expectations of his children and how he started with this same expectation. As we explored it, he recognized that he hated this expectation and the unnecessary pressure that it put on him to get results. He recognized that this pressure caused anxiety if he did not perform and get that A. He recognized that he was doing the same exact thing to his child. He didn’t want to pass this on to his children. He decided he was going to do it differently.

Relationship Dynamics are Passed Down

Another client was having relationship issues with his partner. He grew up in a family where his father always had the final say. His mother was not allowed to give any input and was expected to follow all of the father’s requests. Communication was a big issue as communication was a one-way street from father to mother. In the client’s relationships, he was expecting the same relationship dynamics. His past relationships have not worked out. This relationship dynamic that he saw growing up and expected as an adult was not working for him. He knew if he had to change something.

Intergenerational transmission is the idea that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are passed from one generation to the next. Your foundation was provided to you by the generation above. Whether you like it or not, you start where you start. As an adult, this means you can actively decide if you want to continue passing those thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on to the next generation. You can decide if you want to make a change and stop the cycle. You are an adult. You choose what you pass on. Actively make those decisions.

Start Online Therapy in Las Vegas

Chris Rabanera- online therapist in Las Vegas

When you want to make a change, get online therapy in Las Vegas. Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation.  I’m Chris Rabanera. I provide online therapy in California, online therapy in Michigan, and online therapy in Las Vegas. I work with high-achievers on issues such as physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression & individuals dealing with relationships. I also specialize in therapy for men.


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