Modern Generations Prioritize Mental Health Breaks Article
Chris Rabanera was featured in an article on The Seattle Medium. The article discusses how modern generations prioritize mental health breaks.

Online Therapy Las Vegas: Parent Modeling
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses parent modeling.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Building Skill
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses the process of building mental health skills.

Combat Burnout and Stress Podcast
Chris Rabanera talks with the Being Human is Weird Podcast crew. In this episode, he shares definitions, trips, and tricks on identifying and dealing with stress, chronic stress and burnout.

Online Therapy Las Vegas: Emotional Regulation Range
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses the emotional regulation range.

11 Habits of People with High Emotional Intelligence Article
Chris Rabanera was featured in an article on Best Life. The article discusses 11 habits of people with high emotional intelligence.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Stressor vs Stress
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses the difference between stressors and the stress reaction. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Mental Health for Men: The Why
Chris Rabanera, who provides mental health for men, discusses knowing your “Why.” At The Base EQ, Chris helps men build their emotional baseline.

Therapy for Physicians: Why Go Alone
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, talks about why physicians aren’t talking about burnout. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Online Therapy Las Vegas: Empowerment with Therapy
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses how therapy can help with empowerment.

Therapy for Physicians: Just A Cog
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, explores how physicians are cogs in medical organizations. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Therapy for Physicians: Therapy with Me
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses his formula to therapy. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Chris Rabanera is a Brainspotter
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska, and Nevada, is now trained in Brainspotting. He has more tools in his therapist belt. At The Base EQ, Chris helps high achievers manage life stressors.

Mental Health for Men: Date Your Wife
Chris Rabanera, who provides mental health for men, discusses the need to date your wife. At The Base EQ, Chris helps men build their emotional baseline.

Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Rest and Recovery
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician burnout, discusses why rest and recovery is necessary. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Mental Health for Men: Bonding and Activities
Chris Rabanera, who provides mental health for men, discusses the bonding and relationships while doing an activity.

Therapy, Therapists, Therapeutic Practices and AI
Chris Rabanera was featured in an article on TherapyRoute.com The article discusses how therapists view the impacts of artificial intelligence on therapy, therapists, and their therapeutic practices.

Online Therapy Michigan: RAIN Technique
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses the RAIN Acronym.

Mental Health for Men: The Box
Chris Rabanera, who provides mental health for men, discusses the box where men shove their emotions.

Online Therapy Las Vegas: Differentiation
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses the concept of differentiation. How does differentiation apply to you?