Online Therapy Las Vegas: Parent Modeling

Modeling, in the context of parenting, is an essential way you learn how to be a person. Model in this context is defined as the act of setting an example through one’s own behavior. Think monkey see, monkey do. In this blog, I’ll discuss modeling and its role in your life.

Apples in tree by Jen Theodore, Unsplash 10/12/23- Online Therapy Las Vegas

Parenting and modeling are two interconnected concepts that play an essential role in child development. When a parent models, they are teaching the child values, behaviors, and beliefs. When a person says, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” this is because your parents' values and habits are ingrained in you. This can be a double-edged sword because you get both the good and the bad.

As a child, your parents are your first teachers. Parents are children's primary role models. They observe and imitate parents’ behaviors, attitudes, and values. Have you ever seen a toddler do what their parents do? I know I have. My child the other day straight up said, “What’s up, Bro!?” I wish I was making this up. 

3 types of modeling occur. The three types of modeling that occur are behavior, emotional, and value. The process of modeling can be both conscious and unconscious. This is because children pick up everything. What you say and what you do. It’s not what you teach them explicitly. It is everything. 

Behavioral Modeling

Behavioral modeling is when a parent demonstrates how to behave in various situations. An example would be when a parent is in a conflict with another person. How the parent interacts with the person during the conflict will be absorbed by the child who is witnessing the interaction. The child will understand that in situations where there is conflict, they should behave in the way their parents did in that situation. How did the parents behave? This is the way a child will behave.

Emotional Modeling

Adult with child walking on pier by Tim Mossholder, Unsplash 10/12/23- Online Therapy Las Vegas

Emotional modeling is the way a parent displays how to manage their emotions and feelings. When a parent is feeling emotionally activated, how do they express those emotions? Many of my clients understand this emotional modeling in depth because many of my clients state they have never been taught how to handle or deal with their emotions. The only emotion they can express is happiness or anger. Many of my clients have difficulty managing emotions such as love, sadness, anxiety, and many others. Their parents did not show these emotions. They were only able to witness anger or happiness. How does a parent model their emotions? Children are sponges. They will pick up and absorb everything and anything they see and hear. 

Value Modeling

Value modeling is when parents pass on their beliefs and value system to their children. This can be honesty, kindness, religious beliefs, and so on. Value modeling is on display whenever parents are interacting with anyone, and how they live their lives. It’s more than just talking about it. When a person is modeling their values, it’s the way that they live their life. 

Parents play an important role when they are modeling. As parents, we do our best to model behaviors, emotions, and values that set up our children for success. There is no perfect system for helping our children grow up to be healthy humans. We try our best though and should focus on good enough.

As a child who grows up to become an adult, it is our job to take a step back and recognize who we are as a human being. If we do self-exploration and recognize that we are not where we want to be in terms of our emotional health and well-being, it’s okay to say that we weren’t taught this. It’s okay to recognize that our parents didn’t teach us how to be in certain situations, how to express ourselves, or to truly understand what our own value system is. You are where you are. Take a look at your situation using a non-judgmental approach to really evaluate what your strengths and weaknesses are. Everyone has them. It’s your job as a grown adult to develop into the human that you want to become. Stop coping out and own it. 

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Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When you want to make a change, get online therapy in Las Vegas with Chris Rabanera. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, and Nebraska, I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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