Modern Generations Prioritize Mental Health Breaks Article

Hey there! I’m featured in an article from the Seattle Medium. The article is titled "Modern Generations prioritize Mental health Breaks as Expert Dismiss Notion of Emotional Weakness.” In the article, several mental health professions discuss differences between modern generations and those that came before them.

I constantly hear about how ‘these kids nowadays’ are weak with their mental health. Previous generations just ‘plow through’ their mental health issues and get things done. Schools go through great lengths to close campuses for a week to “maintain students’ mental health and wellness.” I hear that this generation is just weak minded.

That thought is a hard disgree from me. It’s a common misconception because people previously did not think about mental health the way they do now. Mental health was traditionally thought of as a sign of weakness. Today, taking care of your mental health is a recognized as the same as taking care of your physical health. It is not weak if you take care of your health. People are taking proactive steps to prevent mental health illness.

You can read the complete article at The Seattle Medium website. You can also click this link or click on the photo on the right. The Seattle Medium is part of Tiloben Publishing Company Inc, the largest African American Owned and operated communications company in the Pacific Northwest. They help readers stay informed regarding issues and events that affect the African American and minority communities.


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