Mental Health for Men: Date Your Wife

I work with high achievers. They are high achievers because they allocate their time to the specific tasks and goals that they want. When they are locked in and highly focused, other areas of their life fall to the side. One aspect that commonly falls to the side is their marriage and relationship. If you believe that once you have a partner that you’re all set, you need to think again. You need to continuously work on your relationship. In this blog, I'll talk about dating your wife.

Date your Wife

A couple sitting on a rock by a lake by Timo Stern, Unsplash 8/2/23- Mental Health for Men

Dating your wife means continuing to be romantic and spending quality time with each other. To maintain a relationship, you need to put forth the energy to cultivate and grow it. Many think the relationship will grow and blossom on its own. That's not the way relationships work. You need to put time and energy into your relationship.

Go on Adventures

Make dedicated time to spend with your wife. Put it in your calendar and block out everything else. Remember those awesome dates that you would go on when you first started dating? Remember how pumped you were to go see that new exhibit and you brought your girl along? Then afterward you would go get a bite to eat or go grab a drink. Start going on adventures again. Spend quality time together.


Things change once you get married. You still need to communicate effectively with each other. You need to be open and honest with your feelings, dreams, and desires. When conflict comes up, you need to address the issues. You need to communicate respectfully and lovingly. You need to share your thoughts and listen to your partner's perspective too. Communication needs to continue to improve over the life of your relationship.

Touch Each Other

Man and woman hold hands by Gift Habeshaw, Unsplash, 8/2/23- Mental health for Men

Physical touch is essential in any relationship. Physical touch helps connect with each other. Touch is a building block and strengthens bonds between partners. Touch can release oxytocin or the love hormone. Research has shown that oxytocin helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. Continue to touch your partner daily. We are humans. We need physical touch in our lives.

Be Romantic

Unfortunately for many, once they get married, being romantic stops. This is one reason why relationships get rocky. A person stops putting energy towards the relationship. Continue to be romantic with your wife. You can surprise her with small gestures or treats here and there that make her feel loved. If you used to buy flowers, go buy flowers. If she loves when you help around the house, help around the house. Continue to show your partner why she fell in love with you.

To keep your marriage alive and healthy, never stop dating your wife. Keep putting forth that energy. Yes, it takes time and energy. Stop putting your relationship on the back burner. If you do, You might regret it. Date your wife.

Get Mental Health Treatment for Men

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

Address your mental health with therapy with Chris Rabanera. Take the first steps with a free 15-minute consultation. I offer online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska, and Las Vegas. As an experienced therapist, I specialize in physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, and depression. I also provide tailored mental health treatment for men.


Chris Rabanera is a Brainspotter


Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Rest and Recovery