Chris Rabanera is a Brainspotter

Oh hey there family! I’ve news to share with you. I am now trained in brainspotting. Brainspotting is another therapeutic treatment method that helps identify, process and release core sources of emotional pain, trauma, and other challenging symptoms. 

What is Brainspotting?

What is brainspotting? David Grand, who developed this treatment method, states that a brainspot is a specific eye position that is linked to the activation and processing of specific neural networks in the brain. These neural networks are associated with emotional and traumatic experiences that have been stored within the brain and body. A brainspot is based on the idea that our visual field is connected to various areas of the brain, including those related to emotions, memories, and sensory experiences. What’s this actually mean?  Where you look is connected to different spots in your brain that can relate to emotions, memories, and sensations. 

During a brainspotting session, the clinician assists the client in finding these brainspots that can trigger emotional activation related to the specific issue. The client then focuses on that spot while allowing the mind and body to process their emotions, memories, sensations, and issues. 

This is an entirely different experience than traditional talk therapy. Traditional talk therapy is good for learning skills, building mindsets, and some emotional processing. I like to call brainspotting “Flow state emotional and mental process.” In a brainspotting session, you are not necessarily having a back-and-forth exchange with your therapist. The client is having more internal experiences and sensations instead of verbally communicating with the clinician. You can communicate with the clinician verbally but it is not necessary for the processing to occur. 

I’ve received brainspotting treatment to work on my own issues. My experience was powerful. My clinician and I found a brainspot, I focused on an issue and my body sensation, and I went off to the race. My mind started with one issue and then other memories started to sprout. I explored these memories and my mind took me on a journey of questions and clarity. My shoulders started to feel heavy and sag before they felt light. My mind continued to go down the rabbit hole as I followed it with non-judgment and curiosity. It felt like 10 minutes had passed but like other good sessions, I came to the end of my time.  The issue didn’t bother me as much and I felt better. 

There are benefits of brainspotting, just like there are for any other treatment method. Brainspotting can provide such as trauma resolution, anxiety and stress relief, emotional regulation, and enhanced self-awareness. I’m a believer in therapy and now I have another tool to help people live the life they deserve.

With another tool in my toolbox, let me know if you’re interested in improving the quality of your life. Brainspotting, along with my other skills, can be an effective approach that can transform your relationship with emotions, memories, and overall well-being. 

When you’re ready to make it happen, work with me. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska, and Nevada. I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, and depression, and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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