Therapy, Therapists, Therapeutic Practices and AI

I’m pumped to share some exciting news! I’ve been featured in an article on The article discusses how therapists view the impacts of artificial intelligence on therapy, therapists, and their therapeutic practices. I offer insight into AI and therapy.  

AI is a great tool for clients and therapists to use. AI is not at the point of being a replacement for a therapist. Therapists are not going anywhere. AI still has gaps that need to be addressed before it comes anywhere close to replacing a therapist. 

Read the entire article posted at You can click this link to read the full article. is an online platform that helps individuals find mental health support and resources. It has a directory of mental health professionals and aims to connect people with qualified licensed mental health professionals. It has tons of articles, just like the one that I’ve been featured on. Head over to the website, click around, and I’m sure you’ll find resources that can help improve your mental health.


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