Online Therapy Las Vegas: Empowerment with Therapy

Every 4 weeks, I check in with my clients to ensure they are headed in the direction of their goals. A common theme arises each time I do these deep dive treatment check-ins. Every single client that is seeing results has said they feel more empowered after working together. Their feelings of being empowered to make a change and do something about their situation has improved since starting therapy. In this blog, I’ll talk about empowerment through therapy.

Empowered with Online Therapy Las Vegas

Robot by Possessed Photography, Unsplash- Online Therapy Las Vegas

Empowerment is defined as the authority or power to do something. With many of my clients, they feel trapped in a cycle and helpless. There are professionals with years of experience. I’m talking about physicians, lawyers, CEOs of large companies, and business owners. Some feel their mind is at work 24/7, while others feel like they have no control over their lives whatsoever. They also feel like they are on autopilot doing the daily grind. They feel like robots who are going through the motions to get through the day.

Clients feel beaten down, have low self-esteem, low confidence, and are overall in a poor state of mind. When we work together, we start with the basics. You can read the blog here. These basics lay a solid foundation to prepare for deeper work. Without this foundation, you might be in wobbly territory going into deeper work.  Many of my clients start to instantly feel better once they do these things and get themselves on a routine. Once these tasks have been completed, we move forward towards becoming empowered. 

When I meet with clients, one of the early issues we address surrounds choice. Do you have a choice in this issue? In every single situation, we are making a choice. Making a decision is a choice. Not making a decision is a choice. How we feel internally may not be a choice. If you’ve read my blog before, you know that emotions or the way that you feel are your body and mind’s way of telling you something is going on. As I said, the way you feel may not be your choice. The way you express those emotions is your choice. You always have a choice. You may not like your choices or the consequences of those choices but you always have a choice. 

Online Therapy in Las Vegas can Help

I don’t care what choices you make as long as you are not hurting yourself, others, or other people’s property. If you make poor choices, you make poor choices. You are a grown adult and adults are allowed to make poor choices. They have to deal with the consequences of making those poor choices though. Me judging your choices is not the therapist I am. I am the type of therapist who will point out your choices are not aligned with your goals though. I am not one to rub your choices in your face because I know that you’ll own those choices soon enough. I want people to be able to connect the actions they make with their internal values. I want my clients to be through and through. When my clients say they will do something, my clients will make sure that they follow through with their word. With many clients, there is a big disconnect between their values and their actions. Within online therapy, we try to connect the your values with your actions.

Person with arms stretched out at sunrise by Zac Durant, Unsplash- Online Therapy Las Vegas

How does this actually play out with therapy? There are many different approaches I use to help clients get there. We build the emotional base through education. We talk about the basics of what emotions are, how we identify them, how we express them and how to name them. We build emotional skills with behavioral monitoring. We armchair quarterback difficult life situations and break them down to get a better grasp of what we were feeling and how we responded to the situation. We reframe our thought patterns. We role play situations so we know what to do when we are in that scenario again. We do deep interpersonal exploration with the mindfulness exercise of brainspotting. And we do what needs to get done so you can become the person who you want to be.

I can’t tell you how many clients own their actions after we’ve worked together and feel empowered. They recognize their own feelings of anxiety and depression and decide to do something about it. They choose action. They own their mistakes and move forward. They feel empowered to speak out when they feel like something needs to be said. They are able to change their life and make a difference. They choose something better. This is the magic of therapy.

Reach out for Online Therapy in Las Vegas

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When you want to make a change, get online therapy in Las Vegas with Chris Rabanera. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, and Nebraska, I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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