Physician Burnout: How Long is Therapy
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician mental health, discusses how long therapy takes. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Online Therapy in California: Losing a Job and Grief
The Base EQ writes a letter to friends who have recently lost a job.

Physician Mental Health: Ending Romantic Relationships
Chris Rabanera, who provides therapy for physician mental health, discusses ending a romantic relationship. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Physician Mental Health: Self Grace
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in California, Michigan, & Las Vegas, discusses self grace. At The Base EQ, Chris helps high-achievers, like physicians, manage burnout and life stressors.

Physician Burnout Solution: 3 Good Things
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in California, Michigan, & Las Vegas, discusses an article about physician wellness. At The Base EQ, Chris helps high-achievers, like physicians, manage burnout and life stressors.

Physician Burnout: Physicians left jobs in 2021
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Las Vegas, discusses an article about physicians leaving their jobs. At The Base EQ, Chris helps physicians manage burnout and life stressors.

Online Therapy in Michigan: Mental Health and Winter
Chris Rabanera, who provides online therapy in Michigan, discusses Mental Health and Winter. At The Base EQ, Chris teaches how to build your base emotional intelligence.

Find Your Online Therapist in Las Vegas
Chris Rabanera talks tips to finding the best online therapist in Las Vegas.