Mental Health for Men: Magic Bullet

I’ll tell you a secret about therapy. Some would call it the magic bullet. It’s what you’ve been looking for since you’ve started to have problems in your life. This will solve all of your problems. Are you ready for it? Here it is. There is no magic bullet to therapy. It’s a good old-fashioned effort and willingness to commit to the process of psychotherapy.

Bullet by Jay Rembert, Unsplash 1/11/24- Mental Health for Men

The Magic Bullet is Effort

According to Wiki, psychotherapy is when psychological methods are used to help a person change their behavior, improve the quality of their life, and overcome problems. This occurs through regular interactions with a therapist. Goals typically are to improve well-being and mental health, resolve problem behaviors, change beliefs, thoughts or emotions, and improve relationships and social skills. 

When you are in therapy with me, there is skill building and emotional processing. You can read more about that here. The TLDR is that we usually start with coping skills to bring us back to baseline. We test what works and doesn’t work specifically for you. Then we start to process emotions and experiences. We continue to modify and adjust our coping skills as needed. We are constantly building on top of the previous skills that you learn each visit. We create a routine to ensure you’re having your needs met. We are armchair quarterbacking the situation. We learn more skills about how to adjust and challenge our thinking. Overall, we have a game plan and we execute it.  What all of this sounds like to me is work and effort. Magic bullet? Clearly not. It’s work and effort.

Improve your Mental Health with Effort

laptop by Kari Shea- Unsplash 1/11/24- Mental Health for Men

I can 100% guarantee you that you can find every single intervention and tool that I would ever use on ChatGPT, Bard, or artificial intelligence websites out there. I do not believe therapy is about information or specific interventions. There is a time and place for them but it is not the biggest factor. If it were, you’d be able to solve all of the problems that you have by going to a website and asking it questions. I know this is not the way that it works because my clients have tried and they told me. They gain information from those websites and interventions but they do not get the change they are seeking.

The magic of therapy is what it takes for you to do the necessary work you need to do. It’s about putting in work and effort. It’s about doing the work when you feel scared out of your mind. It’s about doing the work when you feel like you can’t go on. It’s about doing the work and facing your emotions instead of putting it in the box. Therapy is about you becoming who you want to become and living the life that you want. It’s not about the results of being able to solve your problems or improve your relationships, which will come in time. Those outcomes are the results of the change from within. To get there, you need to put in the work and effort.

Get Mental Health Support

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

Address your mental health with therapy with Chris Rabanera. Take the first steps with a free 15-minute consultation. I offer online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska, and Las Vegas. As an experienced therapist, I specialize in physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, and depression. I also provide tailored mental health treatment for men.


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