Online Therapy in Michigan: Disconnect to Recharge

I have regular conversations with my clients about how to disconnect. There is always something to do. The to-do task at work never gets completed. There is always paperwork to complete, a task needing to get handled or the never ending marketing. Then there is the to-do task at home. There is the never ending pile of dishes, laundry, keeping the house clean and so on. People are always on the go. I’ve found people are having difficulty disconnecting with their never-ending to-do lists and cannot recharge. I’ll be talking about ways to disconnect and recharge in the blog.

Learn to Disconnect with Online Therapy

One technique to disconnect from work and recognize you are off the clock is to ritualize when you are ‘home.’ This would be an action a person does every single day when they come home. Think of how Mr. Rogers comes into his house at the start of every episode, changes clothes, and puts on new shoes. You do a similar ritual but in your own style. This may look like coming through the front door, taking off your shoes, putting your bag into the closet, taking off your watch, and saying, “I’m home!” You are now home and have left your work at the door.

A technique to disconnect from the work and home to-do lists would be to schedule 10 minutes of decompression or relaxation time. During this time, you are doing an activity which brings you joy and fills up your cup. This can be anything you want. During this time, you focus your undivided attention at whatever activity you have decided. This could be spending time with your family goofing off. This could be time alone where you are free-writing or journaling. This could be time when you are stretching or moving your body. It can be any task you want with the only rules being it has to be an activity that brings you joy and has your undivided attention.

Another technique to unplug from the digital world.  This means turning off the screens. This means your phone, computer, tablets and television are off. This means you aren’t listening or watching the news, do not have access to the telephone, email, text messages and social media. You are disconnected from the digital world. Being disconnected gives you a chance to relax and reflect. You are not bombarded by the world and catch a break.

The last technique is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness means you are present in the moment. The easiest mindfulness practice I teach people is to take 5 deep breaths. Youtube diaphragmatic breathing. It’s also called belly breathing. Take 5 deep breaths using belly breathing on a daily basis. This will help you be present and recharge.

This is a lot of information to take in. My recommendation is to always start slow and take baby steps doing these tasks. Make sure you give it a good go though.

Reach Out for Online Therapy in Michigan

If you want to learn more about how to disconnect and recharge, reach out for a free 15-minute consultation.  I’m Chris Rabanera. I provide online therapy in California, online therapy in Michigan, and online therapy in Las Vegas. I provide therapy for men, as well as work on issues such as physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression, and individuals dealing with relationships.


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