Are There Bad Emotions? Online Therapy in Michigan

There are a few basic emotions. These emotions are joy, fear, anger, sadness, and disgust. Other emotions stem from these 5 basic emotions. People break emotions down into the two categories of good and bad emotions. Are there bad emotions? In this blog, I'll talk about basic emotions.

Is This Emotion Good or Bad?

Emotions are neither good nor bad. Emotions are. Feelings of joy, anger, or disgust are natural and normal feelings. Think about emotions as a way for our gut instinct to tell us something is going on. How we interpret what our body is feeling is when we label emotions as good or bad.

If we are feeling fear or sadness, what are we supposed to do with it? We acknowledge our emotions. Name the emotions for what they are. Put the emotions into words. For many I work with, this is a difficult task. Acknowledging what a person is feeling is something many have never experienced. Putting a name on the emotions and experiences that we have is a great start to improving the quality of our lives.

Learn to be Present with Emotions with Online Therapy

After we can acknowledge our emotions, we need to be present with emotions. This is where it can be uncomfortable. It’s the discomfort with emotions that people begin to label emotions as good or bad. Remember there are no good or bad emotions. Emotions are emotions. 

Some people don’t want to experience these ‘negative' emotions and push them to the side. I can’t blame them because it’s uncomfortable and we all want to stay in our comfort zone. If you don’t experience your emotions, they will come back to haunt you at another time. I’ve never heard anyone say they don’t want to be happy. I’ve heard countless times when people say they don’t want to be sad. Both happy and sad are normal emotions. It’s the uncomfortable feeling that people don’t want to experience. It’s a part of life though.

In conclusion, there are no good or bad emotions. There are just emotions. Acknowledge your emotions. Be present with your emotions. By doing these two things, you will be in a better place.

Online Therapy in Michigan for Anxiety

If you're looking for a laid-back therapist who gets you, reach out now. I provide online therapy in California and online therapy in Michigan. My name is Chris Rabanera.  I provide therapy for work stress and burnout syndrome, anxiety, depression, relationships, grief, and life transitions.


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