Physician Burnout: Perfectionism

Winston Churchill once stated, “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” For high achievers, perfection can be the end all, be all. This mindset is a double edged sword because it forces binary outcomes. Perfections believe that anything less than perfection is unacceptable. With this black or white thinking, we miss the shades of gray. In this blog post, I’ll be exploring the issues surrounding perfectionism.

Issues of Perfection

Fear of Failure

With an emphasis on perfection and outcomes, there’s little room for growth and acceptance. Though you may be a boss in one area of your life, it’s unrealistic to think that you are the best in everything. This is someone that is better than you. With this in mind, perfectionists try to measure up to the best. It’s an impossible standard and can paralyze people and stop them from taking risks and progress. By knowing and coming to terms that they may not be the best, people can grow, make mistakes and progress.

Analysis Paralysis

In striving for perfection, many fall into the relentless cycle of overthinking and overanalyzing. This can lead to analysis paralysis, where people become consumed with every option and outcome that they struggle to make any decisions. This never ending cycle stalls progress and forward movement. People can stop the cycle by coming to terms with the idea of making the best decision with the current information, as well as understanding that they are making progress towards their goals.

The Rabbit Hole of Perfection

When you want perfection, many will examine every detail no matter the cost of time, energy, and resources. They’ll go down the rabbit hole and focus on the smallest detail instead of seeing the bigger picture. They lose sight of the ultimate goal. The pursuit of perfection can lead to wasted time and opportunities for progress. Instead of “Ready, Aim, Fire!” it changes to “Ready, Aim, Ready, Aim,...Ready, Aim, Fire.” It’s a balance of thoroughness and progress. With perfection, balance can go out the window.

Process over Outcome

Perfectionists tend to focus on achieving the perfect outcome. They overlook the significance of the process and journey. While you the reader have achieved amazing outcomes in life, life is about growth and self-discovery. Many of my clients actually lose themselves in the process of the perfect outcome. Many have said that on the way to the top, it feels like they’ve had blinders on this whole journey. Embrace the process, give your best effort and allow the outcomes to fall where they may. 

Perfection is holding you back from living life. Perfection can have you fearing failure, be an analysis paralysis, wasting your most precious resource of time, and have you miss out on life's best moments.

Reach out for Therapy for Physician Burnout

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

Leave the perfection behind. Start your journey to overcome physician burnout with Chris Rabanera. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, and Las Vegas, I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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