Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Never Ending Achievement

You’re reading this blog because you are an achievement machine. You’ve achieved one success after another.  You could have earned degree after degree. Maybe you achieved your financial goal. It could be that you have the body you want. You achieve one goal, move on to the next and rinse and repeat. This does repeat. You’re in the forever cycle of achieving and setting new targets. Many of the clients I work with feel as though they never get to where they want to be. The targets keep on changing and they keep on working.

The real cycle looks like this. Set a goal. Sacrifice time and energy. Achieve goal. Set a new goal. Sacrifice more time and energy. Achieve goal. It’s a never-ending cycle of the sacrifice of your most precious commodity, your time and energy. There is achievement though. Tons of achievement. When looking back at the achievement and accolades, what clients realize is that they may have been going through life with blinders on. Many say that they have sacrificed so much. They’ve missed other opportunities they could have had because they were so focused on achieving this goal and that goal.

I like to call these the blinders. It is one of the reasons why you’ve been able to achieve so much success and achieve the goals that you want. You have the blinders on. You’re able to focus all of your energy on your desired tasks. The blinders are both a blessing and a curse. Blinders also block out anything that is not that directly in front of you. Anything not related to your goal goes to the side. Whether it is an important life issue or not, if it doesn’t help you achieve your goal, you don’t pay any attention to it.

Person covering face- Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When we have blinders on, important aspects of our lives may go unnoticed. Your relationships may go straight to the crapper. You may spend hours a day working towards your goal but your health might start to fail. You might be able to build your wealth but you can’t sleep at night because you're anxious all the time. Clients find me because though they have achieved success, another aspect of their lives is off or they’ve recognized the never-ending cycle of achievement.

There is nothing wrong with achieving your dreams and putting in the work to get there. There is nothing wrong with it if you fully recognize the decisions that you are making have an effect on your entire life. As long as you are truly making active decisions to live your life in this manner, I have zero problems with it. The problem I have with this is if you are doing this on autopilot. If you do not know the ‘why’ and aren’t actively deciding to live your life like this, you might need some support.

Reach out for Therapy for Physician Burnout

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When you want to address your physician burnout, get therapy for physician burnout with Chris Rabanera. Reach out for a free 15-minute consultation. I provide online therapy in California, online therapy in Michigan, and online therapy in Las Vegas. I work with issues such as physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, and depression. I also provide mental health treatment for men.


Mental Health For Men: Strength


Physician Burnout: Using Insurance