Top Five Truths About Therapy in Ann Arbor

Finding a good therapist in Ann Arbor is a challenge. Once you have a list of potential therapists, be sure you ask them these questions to ensure they are the best fit for you. Once you find a good therapist, it’s time to set your expectations about therapy. In this blog, you will learn the top five truths about therapy in Ann Arbor.

Tile letters that spell out therapy

1. Therapists have unique styles and approaches to therapy.

If you take people that went to both the same graduate school, as well as the same clinical training program, each therapist will still have their unique approach to therapy. Each person has different life experiences. How they apply their theory will be different. Each therapist can be highly trained but their style, approach, and outcomes will be different. Each therapist has their strengths and style when it comes to providing therapy.

2. The client-therapist relationship is special.

In terms of therapy outcomes, the relationship between a client and their therapist matters. It matters a lot. Factors such as agreeing on therapy goals and getting client feedback on treatment are just as important as using the right treatment method. Be sure you find a therapist whom you feel a connection with. You don’t have to like what they are saying but you need to feel safe and secure when you speak with them.

3. Therapy takes time.

In most cases, therapy is not a quick fix. A client isn’t going to see all the results in one or two sessions. Therapy can take time. It can take time to process emotions. It can take time to learn new coping skills and habits. It may take 9 months, 12 months, or even years to work through mental health issues. Know that therapy is a process and that it is not a quick fix. Therapy can take time.

4. The more you lean into the process, the more you get out.

Therapy can be uncomfortable. You are in therapy because you want to feel better. To get better, you will address and process uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and experiences. You can’t address and process uncomfortable experiences if you don’t want to face them. In many cases, the harder you try to stop or control feelings, the more they will spin out of control. Also, the more you ignore what you are feeling, the worse the situation becomes. In therapy, try to lean into the process.   

5. Online therapy is a different form of therapy.

Online therapy is different from in-person therapy. You are missing the face-to-face energy, as well as, the body language when you receive online therapy. If you’ve had experience with video chat or online meetings, you know the feeling is completely different. Same thing with online therapy. A person that is providing online therapy to you should have experience and training in online therapy.
This blog was about the top five trips to therapy and Ann Arbor. I hope that this blog helps you find the specific therapist in Ann Arbor for you. If you'd like some support feel free to reach out to me here for a complimentary 15-minute consultation. I'd love to connect and get you the help and support that you need.

My name is Chris Rabanera and I am a psychotherapist that provides individual therapy for highly motivated individuals. Issues that I work with include work stress and burnout, anxiety, relationship issues including personal relationships, family dynamics, as well as professional relationships, grief, and life transitions. Therapy with me is relaxed, client-focused, and comfortable. 


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