Online Therapy for Grief Counseling

Grief Counseling & Grief Therapy

Person in Thought- Online Therapy for Grief Counseling

You thought you were fine. You grieved and moved on. That was the plan anyways but it doesn’t feel like it. Your emotions get the best of you at random times like in the car, at work, or right before bed. You push that sadness, guilt, anger, and frustration into a box to contain the emotions. The box is falling apart though and those emotions are spilling everywhere. Your kids and family are getting the worst since you’re starting to snap at them. If you aren’t yelling, you’re withdrawing emotionally and physically from them.

Loss and Grief Symptoms

You think to yourself, I can’t start crying when I’m working with people so I hold back my emotions to show that I'm strong and aren’t affected by my past or my own losses. But damn, it comes up when you don’t expect it. You feel like you’ve already grieved and mourned so you don’t know what the hell is going on right now. That guilt though. It’s eating at you. You tell yourself that you’re fine and that you’ll get over it. Time will heal all.

But it's gotten worse over the past couple months. You are starting to feel numb and can’t remember the last time you were happy. You need to find a way out but don’t know what to do. You need someone who can guide you back to where you once were. You need someone who speaks your language and gets you.

Grief Counseling for High Achievers

I'm Chris and I help highly driven and successful individuals tap into their emotional grief. I help those that have put everything into their careers and businesses learn to build their emotional intelligence to truly understand what it means to grieve a loss. Life happens and it doesn’t always work out. With my help, highly motivated individuals let go of the pain, denial, anger, sadness, and emotions. They leave therapy with a new perspective. They feel free. They feel their emotions and are okay with it.

People love my kicked back attitude and style of therapy. They know that I’m not your typical old, white-male therapist that’s sitting there nodding away.  They know that they don’t have to code-switch and can be real with me. People can be their true self knowing that I’m not going to be judging them.  Also, this is your journey. I’m just a sherpa or guide that helps people get to where they need to go emotionally. You’re in charge and my goal is to help you live the life that you want.

Online Therapy Can Help Your Grief Symptoms

If you’re ready to feel whole again, contact me for a free 15-minute consultation at (702) 763-3679, or complete the contact form to get started on your life-changing process. I provide online therapy in Michigan, online therapy in California, online therapy in Nebraska, and online therapy in Las Vegas.

Here are Blog Posts Related to Grief Counseling.

Grief Counseling is one of Chris’ specialities. Here are a few blog posts from me that you might find useful!