Online Therapy for Physician Burnout: Vacations are not a Cure

Burnout is real. It’s a serious issue that is only addressed when someone is already burnt out. With demanding schedules and administrative tasks, it’s no wonder why so many physicians are burnt out. While going on an amazing vacation feels like a remedy for burnout, how effective it truly is to stop burnout is largely determined on how the vacation is approached. Online therapy for physician burnout can help.

My perspective is that a break from work can provide both physical and mental relief. It’s something that everyone needs from time to time. The big picture though is that vacations and travel are band aids and are not a cure for burnout. To move past being burnt out, the underlying causes must be addressed. This article explores how travel and vacations can help with burnout. I discuss why the need to combine them with deeper strategies, like online therapy for physicians, is very important for long-term well-being.

Role of Travel and Vacations in Burnout Relief

Vacations can be great. They allow an opportunity to step away from the daily grind and fully detach from work. You get to be out of the office. It’s a huge change in scenery that interrupts the continuous stress cycle that you call work. Vacations create a space to recharge and refresh.

It could be a stay-cation, weekend getaway, or an extended trip overseas. Taking time off and unplugging can provide a necessary reset. The value truly lies in the unplugging from the working and grinding mindset. You don’t have to think about work. You can actually decompress. And this decompression can take a few days to occur. This decompression can ease some of the more immediate effects of burnout. However, this decompression is only temporary if the root issues aren’t addressed.

Improve Mood Through Living

Multiple yellow smilie faces by Nick Fewings, Unsplash 4/5/25- Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

Travel and vacations offer more than just a break. They can improve your mood and create a sense of well-being. When was the last time that you could do anything that you wanted? When was the last time that you could get up without an alarm, explore unknown places, or even spend quality time with loved ones? This downtime away from the pressures of work can serve as a reminder of what truly matters to you.

As physicians who 100% sacrifice personal time for your career, vacations can rekindle interests and hobbies that you’ve 100% neglected. It can be hiking, reading, working out, or just spending time with people you care about, these activities can help bring you back to life. They can bring you a sense of fulfillment. Again, though these experiences are invaluable, they do not address the systematic and personal factors underlying burnout.

Reconnecting with Yourself

One of the most significant benefits of travel and vacations is the opportunity to reconnect. Vacations can be a time for self-reflection and self-care. Without the constant pull of everyday responsibilities, you can focus on your own needs and desires. This reconnection is an important step in addressing burnout. It’s a part of a larger strategy to create change.

Additionally, if you go on vacation with others, you can put energy towards those people. Meaningful relationships are often strained when you can’t put time or energy into them. Time and experiences together can help repair those bonds. Sharing experiences with people who you care about builds connections and reduces feelings of isolation. Connection with others can reduce feelings of burnout.

Travel and Vacations Are Not Enough

Though vacations and travel offer significant mental health benefits, they are not a cure for burnout. The relief they provide is temporary, as they don’t address the root causes of burnout. For example, if a physician returns from a reenergizing vacation only to be thrown back into the same workload, systemic issues, or lack of support that caused burnout in the first place, the cycle is going to repeat itself. 

Airplane wing in sky with sun in background by Ross Parmly, Unsplash 4/5/25- Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

I see vacations and travel functioning as a coping mechanism. From a previous blog, the point of a coping mechanism is to help you survive the day. Sure, a vacation or break from work can refill your cup and bring you back to baseline, but it does not fix the problems. 

To get out of the burnout cycle, it’s important to recognize and address the specific stressors contributing to it. This might involve setting boundaries, seeking systemic changes in the workplace, or exploring personal strategies. Online therapy for physician burnout can play a crucial role in moving forward from burnout. You can learn tools and get the necessary support needed to make real change.

Strategies for Burnout Recovery

To maximize the benefits of vacations, it should be combined with deeper strategies for addressing burnout. Implementing changes in daily routines, building supportive relationships, and advocating for systemic improvements in the workplace can complement the relief provided by vacations. When you go on a vacation, be mindful of how vacations are a coping mechanism. Recognize the vacation for what it is. 

Travel and Vacations for Burnout

I’m all about going on vacations and traveling. It’s a valuable tool for managing burnout. They offer a break from the demands of the daily grind and provide an opportunity for you to recharge. They can improve your mood, help with self-care, and provide a temporary rest. However, they are not a cure for burnout. 

To create lasting change, address the root causes of burnout through strategies like online therapy for physician burnout, workplace advocacy, and personal development. Online therapy for physicians can provide you with guidance and support needed to build a sustainable approach to burnout. Remember, travel and vacations are only part of the solution. They work best when they are used with a broader plan for recovery. 

Get Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When you’re ready to invest in therapy and make a change in your life, get online therapy in Las Vegas with Chris Rabanera. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, and Utah, I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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