Online Therapy Las Vegas: Investing in Therapy

I want every single person that I work with to get the results they desire. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. It could be the therapist’s fault. It could be a fitment issue or lack of personal attachment between therapist and client. It could also be the client’s fault. It could be the client’s fault that they are not ready to invest in therapy. How do you invest in therapy?

Investing in therapy means that a person is committed to engaging fully and actively in the psychotherapy process, recognizing its importance, and the possible benefits it can bring to their mental health, well-being, and life. Investing in therapy has several key components.

Active Participation

A client should actively participate in the therapeutic process. This means you attend sessions as recommended and decided by you and the clinician. You are fully present in the session. You are getting enough sleep to be cognitively sharp enough to be on your A game. Same with the substances. No substances 24 hours before the session so you can be mentally aware and focused. Being engaged in therapy means sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly. You are not holding anything back. You show your authentic and true self. Active participation also means being willing to explore difficult or uncomfortable topics and to dip deep into personal history and emotions. Also, you are not distracted by other life tasks during your session. Turn off your email, silence your cell phone, and turn off your Discord or Teams meeting chat. You focus on being present in therapy. Invest in therapy by actively participating in the session.

Tile blocks that say “Go For It” by Brett Jordan, Unsplash, 6/5/24- Online Therapy Las Vegas

Commit to the Growth Process

When you commit to the growth process in therapy, you are committed to the meaningful and realistic goals created together. You understand that growth and the process of therapy isn’t a linear journey. It may feel like you are making huge strides and gains towards your goals. At other times, it may feel like you are stagnating or even sliding backward. That is all part of the process. Investing in therapy means you stay committed to the process even when it becomes challenging or progress seems like a standstill. 

Willingness to Change

When you invest in therapy, the client needs to have a willingness to change. This means being open to new perspectives. An event or experience has only one set of facts and they are what occurred. We overlay our perspective and make our interpretation of said event. There are many different perspectives we can have from an event or experience. Also, being open to changing thought patterns, behaviors, and attitudes that are no longer useful helps with achieving your goals in therapy. Being able to give coping strategies, techniques, and interventions learned in therapy a solid, 100% go outside of the office can do wonders. I tell all my clients that everything works and nothing works. It all depends on how it vibes and resonates with you. Your willingness to change has a strong impact on your outcomes

Engaging with Emotions

Lego head pieces with different emotional expressions by Nik, Unsplash 6/5/24- Online Therapy Las Vegas

This area can be scary for many people. Being able to engage with emotions is where therapeutic magic happens. Are you willing to self-reflect? Are you willing to take the time to reflect on your thoughts, actions, and experiences both inside and outside of therapy? Are you willing to be an emotional risk-taker? In session, you can explore the depths of your soul and experience a range of emotions. It can be difficult and painful. It can be physically and emotionally draining. Invest by engaging with your emotions.

Invest your Time and Effort

Being in therapy takes both time and effort. I know everyone is busy and no one has an extra hour in the day. I get it. To get the most out of therapy, a person needs to make time in their busy schedule for consistent attendance at therapy sessions. You won’t make progress if you aren’t investing the time. Also, put in time to work on yourself outside of the therapeutic hour. Traditionally, therapy is only an hour out of the one hundred sixty-eight hours in the week. Some therapists assign homework or suggest practicing skills between sessions. I am one of those therapists. I want you to practice and have the skills and tools available to you before you need them. The first time a firefighter picks up a hose isn’t when a house is on fire. Invest the time and energy both to make therapy sessions happen, as well as to practice those skills and techniques outside of the session.

Resource Allocation

The two most important resources that you will need to invest to get the results that you want are time and money. The paragraph above talks about time investment. Prioritize therapy and ensure it fits into your schedule. For the financial resource, be willing to allocate financial resources to cover the cost of treatment, whether through insurance or cash pay. Know this though. Taking care of your mental health can be costly. Not taking care of your mental health will be even more expensive. 

Investing in therapy and your mental health means recognizing the value of therapy and the significant personal benefits and growth you will achieve. Being willing to invest in therapy means you’re willing to put in the work to make your life different.

Get Online Therapy in Las Vegas

Chris Rabanera, Online Therapy for Physician Burnout

When you’re ready to invest in therapy and make a change in your life, get online therapy in Las Vegas with Chris Rabanera. Get started with a free 15-minute consultation today. Offering online therapy in California, Michigan, Nebraska and Utah, I specialize in addressing physician burnout, grief counseling, anxiety, depression and providing tailored mental health treatment for men. Let’s get to work to make lasting positive changes.


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